By pap
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The first digital mammography unit was successfully installed in the radiologist's dr. Evangelos Dimitriadis Radiology clinic: "AKTINODIAGNOSI KASTORIAS" The digital mammography unit SELENIA by HOLOGIC, is awarded by Frost and Sullivan Organization and has the 42% of the digital mammographers' market share. The women of Kastoria, can make digital mammography in their place with state of the art equipment, equivalent to this of the large diagnostic centers in Athens and Thessaloniki. The technological superiority of the mammography unit is summarized in the following features:  DIRECT CONVERSION DETECTOR aSe It has a unique flat panel of amorphus selenium (aSe) for instant conversion of X-rays into a digital signal without any other conversion to an intermediate form of energy. It preserves image sharpness by completely eliminating the image degrading effects of light diffusion. ► 70mm pixel pitch, the most effective pixel size for visualization and characterization of smallest microcalcifications ►FAST PADDLES (full automatic self adjusting tilt) that provide proper and consistent compression across the entire breast without overcompression at the chest wall In order to find out where you can make a digital mammography, follow the link below: Hologic Digital Mammography Systems Reference List[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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